The Internet can be an ugly place. Misinformation spreads like wildfire. Grandma and Grandpa are getting fleeced by hackers. And for women and minorities, hate lurks around every corner, especially on social media. There’s only so much exhausted, flesh-and-blood, content moderators can do.
In a world where bad bots bring out the worst in people, why not create ‘good’ bots that can step in and de-escalate? Introducing: white_guy. An AI-powered, digital ally designed to confront abuse via social listening. Based on the results of a study done in 2015 by NYU, white_guy would be able to chime in whenever offensive speech cuts into comments or posts and not only de-escalate arguments but also deter future hate speech from targeted users.
Sam expresses her passion for equity and equality.
@TimothyBlarri insults our friend, Sam.
A white_guy bot named ‘Rob’, comes to lend support.
@TimothyBlarri decides to check out who this guy named Rob is. He finds a profile with over a thousand followers and a white face. According to the research, @TimothyBlarri will be much more hesitant to insult someone in the future after being reprimanded by someone who resembles himself, another white male.